Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009


Methylamphetamin-Hydrochlorid ist eine weiße, kristalline Substanz, die als illegale Droge unter den Straßenbezeichnungen Meth, Glass, Ice, Crystal, Piko, tik u.a. vertrieben wird. In Südostasien wird die Substanz in Tablettenform unter dem Namen Yaba (thailändisch für verrückte Medizin) gehandelt. //Suchtmittel

Meth, die Billigdroge der weißen amerikanischen Unterschicht. Es ist ein in Küchen zusammengebrautes Aufputschmittel auf der Basis von Ephedrin, das in Husten- und Erkältungsmitteln im Handel frei erhältlich ist.//focus

Keine Droge wütet in den USA schlimmer als Methamphetamin. Mehr als 1,5 Millionen Amerikaner sind von dem Stoff, der wegen seiner kristallinen Form "Crystal" genannt wird, bereits abhängig.//sz

In den USA ist Crystal das Drogenproblem Nummer eins. Somit stellt sich die Frage, ob es nicht nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis auch aus den noch bei uns erhältlichen Produkten Crystal in »epidemieartigem« Ausmaß, wie zum Beispiel in Osteuropa oder den USA, hergestellt wird. Die »Vorarbeiten« dazu sind offensichtlich im Gange, wenn man in einschlägige Web-Foren schaut.//pz

In den Sicherstellungszahlen zu Amphetamin und Methamphetamin sind 356 Fälle (-22% im Vergleich zu 2007) enthalten, in denen insgesamt etwas mehr als 4 kg kristallines Methamphetamin (Crystal) (-58% gegenüber 2007) beschlagnahmt wurden. //Schattenblick

...ist Crystal vor allem in den an Tschechien grenzenden Bundesländern Thüringen und Sachsen und in Nordbayern verbreitet.//bz

All das macht die enorme Geschwindigkeit deutlich mit der das erst 1933 auf den Markt gekommene Präparat zu den Verbrauchern gebracht wurde. 1937 erhalten es erstmals Kindern, 1938 singt Garland den ersten Amphetamin-verstärkten Superhit und 1939 marschiert die deutsche Wehrmacht unter Amphetamin-Einfluss in die Blitzkriege.//telepolis

2006 Crystal Meth verdrängte in Deutschland langsam Kokain als Partydroge//bvrd

Methamphetaminkonsum führt nicht zu einer körperlichen Abhängigkeit. Trotz starker Toleranzentwicklung tritt kein typisches Entzugssyndrom auf. Nach Absetzen der Substanz sind jedoch häufig einige der Wirkungen entgegengesetzten Symptome, wie extremes Schlafbedürfnis, starkes Hungergefühl, depressive Stimmung, Gereiztheit etc. zu beobachten.//suchtzentrum

Meth Around

We live in a society where faster is better. From instant noodles to fast food, high-speed computers to rapid transit, speed has become an important part of our culture.

Physically, many find it hard to keep up to our modern, frenetic pace. So they take over-the-counter pep pills, down loads of caffeinated colas or drink triple Mocha Lattés with giga-jolts of caffeine.//healthinmotion

In 2005, the economic cost of methamphetamine use in the United States was $23.4 billion, according to a RAND Corporation study of the financial impact of addiction, premature death and other issues associated with the drug.//LLI


Methamphetamine is an addictive stimulant drug that strongly activates certain systems in the brain.

Methamphetamine, more potent and easy to make, was discovered in Japan in 1919. The crystalline powder was soluble in water, making it a perfect candidate for injection. It is still legally produced in the U.S., sold under the trade name Desoxyn.///tridentnarc

Methamphetamine increases the release and blocks the reuptake of the brain chemical (or neurotransmitter) dopamine, leading to high levels of the chemical in the brain, a common mechanism of action for most drugs of abuse. Dopamine is involved in reward, motivation, the experience of pleasure, and motor function.//NIDA

Methamphetamine is a CNS stimulant that causes hypertension and tachycardia with feelings of increased confidence, sociability and energy. It suppresses appetite and fatigue and leads to insomnia. Following oral use, the effects usually start within 30 minutes and last for many hours. Later, users may feel irritable, restless, anxious, depressed and lethargic.//emcdda

It makes you feel smarter, faster, stronger, sexier, happier and generally quite capable of kicking the world in the butt. The bad news is that it actually makes you dumber, slower, weaker and unable to have an orgasm.

It can cause memory loss, psychoses, heart damage, brain damage, high blood pressure, insomnia, tooth loss and intense paranoia. And then there are the side effects from the chemicals used to make meth, such as lead poisoning from batches made with lead acetate.//unclefesterbooks


The drug has limited medical uses for the treatment of narcolepsy, attention deficit disorders, and obesity.

Side effects may include:
Changes in sex drive, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, exaggerated feeling of well-being, headache, hives, impaired growth, impotence, increased blood pressure, overstimulation, rapid or irregular heartbeat, restlessness, sleeplessness, stomach or intestinal problems, tremor, unpleasant taste, worsening of tics and Tourette's syndrome (severe twitching)//drugs

Methamphetamines may be known as crystal meth, crank, glass, speed, crystal, ice, batu, chalk, shabu, or zip//KCI

Reality TV on San Francisco Crystal Meth scene depicting tweakers in their natural habitat, indulging in random acts of strange behavior...

American Meth is a cross-country journey that focuses on several facets of the methamphetamine epidemic.

As the line between hallucination and reality blur, Nikki finds herself trapped in a nightmare in which her own sanity is at stake.


Meth has a cost/profit ratio that would engender envy in almost any business. Before it's sold, a pound of meth is usually "stepped on," or diluted with another agent. Diluting meth increases production: A pound of pure meth can become 4 pounds, and a $2,500 investment can become $20,000 in two days' time.//valleymeth

It was huge. Mexico now has some massive and very sophisticated operations. We call them super labs. .. Until recently, the crystal meth trade was dominated by American biker gangs such as the Hells Angels. But as police cracked down on their activities, production moved south into Mexico, to cartels that already had networks smuggling cocaine and marijuana.The cartels have in turn developed new concentrated forms of crystal meth that are more potent than any other drugs on the market.//telegraph

The major Mexican trafficking groups outlined above operate within a fluid, flexible, and elastic system. Alliances shift or shake-ups in the hierarchy occur with the divergence of interests and eruptions of internecine violence. But while the precise roles of specific groups and individual group members often blur, there is an overarching structure within which drug trafficking operates: the Federation.//fas


The robbery at the Medix lab in July is part of a boom in Mexican meth as "superlabs" controlled by Mexican cartels take over what was once a mom-and-pop business in the United States. Ice, crank, crystal, tweak, chalk, glass or speed: Methamphetamine goes by a lot of names. It´s one of the most addictive drugs around and is as dangerous to make as it is to consume. The "cooking" process creates toxic chemicals, and labs often catch fire or explode.For decades, homemade meth was a small-time drug..//El Universal

But now drug users are making their own meth in small batches using a faster, cheaper and much simpler method with ingredients that can be carried in a knapsack and mixed on the run. The “shake-and-bake” approach has become popular because it requires a relatively small number of pills of the decongestant pseudoephedrine —//taragana


The purity of methamphetamine has fallen sharply across the country while its price has increased, suggesting that a crackdown on meth ingredients in Mexico and the United States has dramatically curtailed production of the drug. //MHO

you'll be seeing in huge quantities from now on is pure crystal meth or "Ice", and we firmly believe that will be a national phenomenon in both the U.S. and Canada and ultimately, around the globe. The methods have become more refined, the producers are more organized, and the networks span the globe.//allpositiveoptions


Methamphetamine addicts are also excellent candidates to commit identity theft because of the effects the drug has on their systems, medical experts say.A meth user, for example, can stay awake for days and do such repetitive tasks as piecing together shredded documents or testing credit card numbers to buy merchandise online.//consumeraffairs